Welcome message from organizing committee of IEEE 2020 ISPCE-CN Symposium
Dear Guests and colleagues of the ISPCE-CN 2020,
It is my great pleasure to invite and welcome you to the IEEE 2020 ISPCE-CN Symposium (ISPCE-CN 2020) organized by the Product Safety Engineering Society of the IEEE. ISPCE-CN 2020 will be held on 6-8 November, 2020 in Chongqing China.
ISPCE-CN 2020 will fully dedicate to the theme “Product Safety for Smart City”. Topics of ISPCE-CN 2020 cover (1) Emerging IoT technologies such as 5G, NB IoT, LoRa, Sigfox, RFID, NFC etc for safety applications e.g. landslides, IoTree, IoT water, …(2) Drones for building applications, healthcare, automobiles, road toll (3) artificial intelligence, robotics, stems, V2X, etc. (4) Mobile communication, transportation, energy efficiency (5) Public safety, critical communication (6) Internet of Things, Spectrum Policy (7) Inherently safer products and equipment (8) Product Safety services (9) Training and continuing education (10) Regulations and standards (11) Risk management (12) Workplace product safety (13) System and Software safety (14) Human factors, product compliance, smart sensors compliance. There will be Regular Sessions, Special Sessions, Tutorials and Visits. I am sure professionals and engineers may exchange ideas and learn from one another.
Please make yourself available for these three days of conference for informative scientific and technological presentations and discussions with professionals and colleagues.
The Organizing Committee (OC) does not only provide you the chance to enjoy an informative and stimulating atmosphere but also set up a first-class conference program. I want to make you aware that the City of Chongqing is wonderful and professional environments for smart city development and thus are excellent venues for professional exchange. The OC is thoughtful to include the authentic food, welcome reception and conference dinner into the registration fee.
I am confident that we will have an excellent time during these three days at ISPCE-CN 2020 and that at the end of the conference we will learn new knowledge and ideas. Please join us at ISPCE-CN 2020!
Best wishes,
Organizing Committee, ISPCE-CN 2020